
 Join our community!

The Growth Network is a community created to help young people grow into being better and more productive versions of themselves. We have a growing WhatsApp community where we hold webinars on a wide range of topics aimed at achieving the mission of The Growth Network and have access to unlimited coaching by our head coach and circle coaches.

We help our members grow through;

1. Coaching Access

The Community is headed by a certified Life and Business Coach who is keenly interested in the growth of members and because of that put into place systems that would help them become better and do better by consistently teaching them and guiding them to become their best versions

2. Accountability

Every member of the community belongs to a team circle that has a coach assigned to it so asides from connecting with the Community’s coach, they have coaches in their circles to interact with and circle members to go through life with.

3. Community

Every network is grown by community and every community is grown by the individuals in it. At The Growth Network, we encourage community by assigning group tasks, organizing networking events and encouraging link ups by members in various locations.

4. The Growth Geng 

A 30 days habit and self development journey with weekly webinars on transforming topics to help participants grow and get clarity on decisions including how to manage time, set goals, handle their emotions and effectively journal.

5. Weekly Series

Every week, we bring experts on various topics to the community to teach on wide range of topics including finance, family, influence, health, self development, etc to help our members become versatile and productive on their year journey.


We could go on and on but we want you to be more productive today by doing other things like joining us here.

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