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Throw Yourself Outside the Box!

The problem that so many people have is limitation.  We say to ourselves, "I want to do this but I can't" or "I sincerely wish I could be like him or her but I don't have that privilege" or "If I had started earlier, I know I'd have gotten to where that fellow is or even passed there". These are all lies we tell ourselves. I am so guilty of this. I used to do this at some point in my life. The real problem is us. We limit ourselves so much.

What is limitation? A limitation is a restriction that could be real or metaphorical which is caused by something or a circumstance. One thing I have discovered is that, alot of times we are our own restrictions. You see, before something is manifested in the physical, it is manifested in the mind (through our imagination) or in the spiritual as we may like to call it. Have you heard of the saying that you are what you think? I'm sure you are beginning to think through the times you told yourself that you couldn't do something before you started. I cannot count how many times I have done that myself. Lol. The real issue here is that we usually use our pasts to judge our present or our future. For instance, someone who has never failed a test or exam before will always have the confidence that they won't fail the next one. Let's say this fellow fails the next test they took, then fear steps in and he starts to doubt whether or not they will pass the test they are re-sitting.
The point is, we set ourselves up for failure most times when we let one small hiccup ruin our beautiful future. I mean, you were doing great before you had your most recent failure. And if you feel you have never been successful at what you do, then the problem is definitely in your mind. It's a little deeper than this. You will need to search your mind and pin point the root of your problems. Something has been conceived by someone (it could be you), somewhere in your distant past or in the present which causes you to end up failing.

How do you stop limiting yourself and fulfill purpose ?

1. Have something doing

He that doesn't have a seed to plant cannot yield harvest. You cannot give what you don't have. If you have nothing, find something. It doesn't have to be extra. It could be something little that you underestimate. Opportunities are usually disguised in little things.

2. You need to believe

Faith is so strong that it can move mountains. I'm not even speaking about religion here. Having faith in something can change your life for good. Faith is something that every successful person has. You can never come across any successful person who believed he could achieve something and didn't achieve it or believed that they could overcome a challenge and didn't overcome it. Also have faith that whatever you set your hands on will yield bountiful fruits.

3. Be intentional

Nothing good comes easy, so don't always expect that things will turn around the moment you start trying. You need to be intentional. Alot of people give up at the verge of their breakthroughs because they were tired and weary. It's absolutely fine to take a short break. It is unadvisable to give up trying. Be intentional.

4. Have a plan: Having a plan involves putting down your ideas on paper. For instance, I want to organize a webinar on Rape because I have a burning desire to eliminate it from the face of this Earth. How can I achieve this? By putting it down in writing, preferably in a journal, because whatever you write sticks. If you can't write wherever you are, do a voice note or type it on your phone. Your plan should include what you expect from your idea and how you want it to go. You don't have to have it all figured out. Once you have it on paper, you can always go back to it and add more ideas. Having a plan helps you use your imagination in a logical way.

5. Follow through with your plan: Following through with your plan entails you going by the books. You don't have to be spontaneous with this. Since you already have it written down in a plan, stick to the plan. This will teach you discipline.

6. Throw yourself outside the box: whatever you decide to work on doesn't have to be the norm. It doesn't have to have been done by someone else. If you're the first person to stumble on the idea, great! Work on it. Always remember that nothing is new under the sun. If others can achieve bringing something that was only possible in the mind to reality, then you can. 

Don't put yourself in any kind of box. Never ever limit yourself. When you do that, you're depriving the future generation of something they will find really useful. Flow with your mind and heart, however don't let logic leave you. Dream big but be reasonable in your planning.

10 Principles and Hacks of Time Management in 2025


Time management is not a particularly new topic to many individuals. This is because many people deal with issues surrounding managing time and many things call for attention, procrastination, rest, sleep, and leisure, amidst others.

Time management is simply the act of managing time. It involves the process of organizing and planning how to divide time between specific activities. By this definition, it also means the act of planning and organizing our activities.

Hacks on the other hand are the 'ways and methods' involved in the process of achieving a feat. 
Timing is a very important factor in every race. This is one reason why time management important?
1. It reduces stress. This is because when time is well managed, you can shed off unnecessary and stressful activities.
2. It brings efficiency and effectiveness.
3. It reduces procrastination (this is relative)
4. It brings higher productivity and better quality.
5. It brings more opportunities.
6. It gives time for leisure and rest.

The importance ain't limited to these but the real question is - "how then do we manage our time?". In the next few lines, we'd 

1. Be aware of Time

This simply means that you should be mindful of time. Always put timing in mind whenever you're doing something. This helps you to come to the realization that your time must be managed. If not, you'd keep going around without knowing what to do. Be aware. You need time management.

2. Accept Your Time

After awareness, comes acceptance. After you're aware that you need to manage your time, you need to accept it. Accept that you have 24 hours daoly and you can choose to use it to your advantage.

3. Write down your Goals

Have a written list of your goals (what to do, what you have to do) on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. You must be period specific with your goals to when writing them to help you achieve them within the time frame. I used to be a mind mapper (I mean, I don't write down my goals or any to-do list. I have it in my mind, how I'd do all I'd do. It's in my mind and as I do them, I tick them, all in my mind. For real, it worked but I realized, it was too stressful for me. Too stressful, and my productivity level wasn't that encouraging. I was productive oh, don't get me wrong. It wasn't as I was supposed to be.)

So, write down your goals and what you have to do. Like the popular saying - a faintest pen is better than the sharpest brain or so. So, my people. Write it down oh. Since I started writing them down, I can boldly say, it's been better. 

4. Prioritize

In this article on Procrastination, we discussed few things about arranging what you have to do into quadrants based on its importance and urgency. As an individual who desires growth, it is necessary to discover and write out what is urgent and important or what is not. When you do, alot all your tasks therein. That way, you'd know what to do first and what to do last. You will also be able to conserve your energy for important things, especially if you do the important and urgent ones when your energy is high. So learn to prioritize and do what's important when your energy is high. Look inwards and find a time when is your energy is high. When you realize it, then fix your hard tasks around that time and watch your efficiency improve.

5. Scheduling

Scheduling is the art of fixing a time frame for your tasks. It has helped me so much. Wake up by 7. Do my quiet time, sing and all, Start Africa's Masterclass by 9 or 10,finish by 12. Press phone or relax for 30 minutes. Then, read. After then, take a break. Go online. DO other courses.

In fact, I've been washing plates and sweeping in the evening. Why? I work from home. Everybody goes out in the morning except me. I know if I should wash and clean the house in the morning, it'd affect my concentration for important tasks, so, I shelve it. And no, I don't feel guilty about this. 

Scheduling will give you time to rest. As rest is important.

Don't stress your head. It's not about being busy all day, it's about being productive. Expend your energy on things that matter. Many of us don't rate mental stress, we think stress is just physical. Mental stress is crazy!

6. create a routine.

a routine helps you to automatically know what you're supposed to do without checking your to-do list.


7. Delegate Tasks

Next is Delegation. Learn to delegate. Don't kill yourself. Outsource the one you can. So, you can have time for more important things. And please, don't feel guilty about this. You deserve to be whole. Please, fix in time for rest and leisure into your routine. Your health is important.

8. Don't Multi-task

AVOID MULTI-TASKING as much as YOU CAN. MANY OF US ARE SITTING ON THIS TABLE. AVOID MULTI-TASKING. Learn to focus on one thing at a time. You're reading, seeing movie, typing at the same time.
Of course, you can read and listen to music same time.

Know thyself. Goes back to prioritizing and scheduling. And please, learn to take breaks from social media. 🙄 Even if it's for 1hr daily. Please, do. Your brain needs rest.

Drop your phone for few minutes, you won't die oh. Some of us stay glued to phone the whole day. Even me. And at night, I'd discover I'm tired. Why won't you feel stressed, When the whole day is used for phone pressing.

So, these are the hacks. It sure works. They're not limited to these but with these few, you'd see that you'd become better. And please, quickly I'd say this. As you're managing your time, manage your energy oh. Don't expend your energy on useless things.

Some it's to chat and talk talk and talk, at the end, they feel tired. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
Also, It's not every opportunity for you. Some opportunities leave you drained. For instance, you're invited to take a class. In preparing, you'd use like 1hr or less or even more, then, the class will hold. You'd have to rest again after, when you could have said no and face front. Be discerning to know what needs your attention or not.

9. Rest

Many times, we beat ourselves over the fact that we couldn't complete a certain task at a given hour.

10. Reward Yourself

In all, reward yourself when you manage your time well (celebrate yourself, it'd give you the needed ginger to manage it the next day, and before you know it, you're a guru at it). For me, I reward myself with Netflix every night once I mark all on my to-do list
You know yourself, you know what will work for you. And by all means, don't compare yourself to anyone. We are different, one may read 100 pages per day, and you can only read 20 pages.

Focus on your journey and what's for you. Be inspired by others but don't make their lives and the way they manage their own time a yardstick for yours. You can do this. You can be productive. You can manage your time well.

- Oluwadamilola Abe

Start Now Before It's Too Late!

Everyone has got potential. Yeah you have heard that so much. Everyone can get motivation. Of course, that's why some of you are here reading this. But what you do with motivation is important. Do you just get it to psyche yourself up for the meantime to make yourself happy, then you return back to the state you were before you attained the motivation? A lot of people read books. A lot of people listen to their religious leaders too but what do you do with the information you receive?

If you have received an idea, start before it is late. If you have been dreaming of attaining something make an effort to do it before it's too late. As much as people are advised to be patient to avoid moronic blunders, it's also very advisable to not sleep on some ideas or opportunities.

Opportunities are everywhere, no doubt. At the same time, they are rare. It isn't everytime that an opportunity comes to your door steps. Remember the saying that opportunity meets prepation. Don't even think about having a big break if you're not ready to start something.

Nothing comes by luck. Somethings must have been put in place somewhere  by somebody (whether it is you or someone else). Spread your seeds (ideas) around so that which ever clicks brings you your desired result. 

There is no such thing as accident. The universal law of cause and effect states that for every effect, there's a definite cause. Something is put in place to get another. Using what you have to get what you want entails that you use the ideas you have to make money or to get an opportunity you have so longed for. 

Do you have a journal and you enjoy putting down your beautiful ideas that could get you a fortune, yet you keep them there waiting for the money to manifest without it being put to use? This is not wisdom. I challenge you who has journals to dig them up and retrieve the ideas you have written down and start putting them to use.

Are you a writter/blogger, podcaster, YouTuber or social media influencer and you derive joy in sharing content that you have learnt, yet you do not practice them? You are not doing right by you. Others are getting blessed by your own ideas yet you do nothing with them, probably because it seems too large.

Start it now! Start what you have been contemplating for months before it becomes late or before someone else discovers the gold mine sitting beneath your nose. 

How can you start? 
1. Act immediately: Just  as you received that wonderful idea, you got a way to start but instead of starting immediately you decided to put it on paper, leaving it there to rot. Do what comes to your mind first. As you proceed with that idea you begin to get a clearer detail of your idea.

2. Strategize: Get a blueprint on how you want it to go. You may not get a complete picture immediately. Fix the details as it comes into your plan. Strategy is a sure tool to having effective result.

3. Tell someone you are accountable to: Don't share your ideas with someone you know will steal it before you even think of planning. Tell someone you know is ahead of you in things like this. That person could be a mentor or a trusted friend or even a family member. Choose this person wisely.

4. Discipline yourself: Make sure that you discipline yourself because nobody can really force you to start anything. Afterall, it's your life. You are the one benefiting from your idea and hard work.

5. Break your long term ideas to the minutest unit: In a case where the ideas you have are for long term goals, you can start small so that you do not get overwhelmed.

6. Be in tune with your spirituality: Praying and meditating will keep you enthusiastic. It will help you get a clearer picture of your ideas. It will keep you disciplined. It will help you achieve your set goals.

Start now. You do not have to start big. You can start small. Gradually you will upgrade to a better level. Avoid having negative thoughts. Sometimes you won't be able to help not feeling down. It's fine. It's a phase and surely you will overcome it. However start and you will be glad you did. The result is truly beautiful!

What is the Power of Support Systems?

What is the Power of Support Systems?

If you have anyone you reach, run to OR call on whenever a problem breaks out, or in your hard and down moments, then you probably know about support systems. In the case that you do not know much about support systems, you may ask - what exactly does it mean? How powerful is it? How does a support system work and why is it needed? 

A support system is similar to the engine of a car or the bolts and nuts in a mechanical equipment? It is basically a network of people who provide support in every form to an individual.

For many people, the circumstances around can cause them to say things like "I can do it all by myself" or in some cases, say that "I am independent". While it is a great idea to be assertive, it is also great to learn that life is better when you don’t have to go it alone. That is one reason why you should work to identify the people in your life who support you and focus on strengthening those relationships.

Who are the people you share your big and small wins with? If you ask yourself this question and sincerely answer, finding no one, then you need a support system for accountability, help, growth, and especially, sharing a common sense of purpose. The truth is the importance of a support system can't be overemphasized.

How then can you build a support system?

1. Do not set out to be a user by trying to drink from a well you didn't dig. Support is a two-way street. Remember in referrals, affiliate marketing and the popular crashed platform - MMM, you have to do something worthy of a reward to get a reward - get help by providing help. A support system requires mutual exchange. 

2. Find people who share your interests. This can help you to facilitate meaningful friendships. It will make you feel like you belong.

3. Be committed to the passion and success of your support system. Don't be lackadaisical about them and they won't be lackadaisical about you too.

4. Know that you are what and who you surround yourself with. Align yourself with valuable people who are of matching goals and values. While doing this, you have to be a person of value yourself.

5. Your support system doesn't have to be a group of perfect people - no one is . But they should have qualities you admire, knowledge that is beneficial to you, the ability to listen and understand, and empathy. These traits are key to great supporters.

Like I said, support is a two-way street. Once you identify the main supporters in your life, do your best to build those relationships. Connect with them regularly and keep them updated about your life.

Invite them into your decisions and explain your reasoning, ask for their honest opinion. Be open to feedback, even if it’s not always what you want to hear. The best people are those who  will tell you tough truths and help you see your options from different perspectives.

In building a support system, networking is important because your SS doesn't have to be people around you alone.

Let me give you one hack, asking for help can help you influence people. It gets them talking about themselves before you know it, you're on your way getting their support and also gibing yours.

Pray about your relationships. There are some people that you are not 'ready' to meet and that's the truth. You might just not have what they need yet and vice versa. Also, do not refuse to enjoy support and love from people because you've been hurt in the past.

The Importance of a support system 

There is a rule in networking that says you're just 6 people away from meeting the 'celebrity' of your dream. Imagine you want to meet Fela Durotoye, and you have a friend that has a Friend that has a friend that knows him, you have indirectly met him (depending on your relationship strength).

A support system will always pull up their influence for you, show up and come through for you. It will outdo you in love and stay happy for you. One of many disclaimers in selecting a support system here is this: "the fact that you grew up together doesn't mean you're supposed to be friends". Again, if they are constantly picking on your flaws, treating you wrongly and always saying negative things about you, please move away.

Also, do not burn bridges. Some people are late to the life party. The things you know today, you've not always known them. So be considerate but you don't have to "die there"

You can have different kinds of support systems and across different age groups too. Don't box yourself into one support system. Nurture relationships. Ask relevant questions. How can I help you? How can this friendship work?... It is important to surround yourself with positive and trustworthy people who can walk through your triumphs and struggles with you. It's not only the good times you need a SS (Support System) for. You need them for your low days too.

They should be encouraging, care about your life goals, and have your best interests at heart. When you have that kind of support system, you’ll be more likely to reach your goals and persevere.

If I've not mentioned this already, this relationship have to be maintained. It's serious work. Yoruba people will say "it's what a bird eats that will enable it to fly" 

If you're sure it's a worthy relationship, maintain and Nurture your relationships. Give it your all and make it work

Also, don't look down on anybody. It is true that people are not on the same level, but then everyone has something to offer. It might just not be what you need but make sure the relationship is at a stage where you're able to talk to them again without feeling guilty. Like you've treated them badly or something.

Please, be vulnerable. If you're a James Bond to the whole world, always have people you can bare your emotions to. To identify and select members of your support system, you should ask yourself these questions:

1. How do you feel when you talk to this person? Happy? Sad? Rejected? Devastated? Excited or Energetic?
2. Is the advice they give based on your well-being?
3. Do they tell you tough truths when you need to hear them?
4. Do they celebrate your triumphs with you?
5. How do they respond to your wins?

How do you break off from a support system that has not met the standards of a good one?

1. Natural drifting - when the things that excite you don't excite them and vice versa. You no longer share same values, you'll find yourselves drifting apart naturally. No connection or anything to sustain the relationship. 

2. You can talk about it. Relationships are about compromise. If you can't find a middle point to agree on. Leave peacefully such that you'd still be able to wave/smile to yourselves in public without hard feelings. 20 children can't play for 20 years, so that's it.

- Moyosade Ademiluyi

Why Being Perfect Isn't Always Good.

It sounds good when you say, I'm a perfectionist. I like to give things my best. It is either perfect or nothing. While it is great that you strive to do things perfectly, life isn't always perfect. You may have seen the big picture in your mind but getting your imaginations to reality can be difficult. And when things don't end up perfect, you beat yourself up or abandon that project you have embarked on. Thus, perfectionism isn't always good.

To properly understand all of these, we need to define perfectionism. Perfectionism means an unwillingness to settle for anything less than perfect. While a lot people mean it to be an attitude of wanting to always attain perfection and paying attention to every detail, it often tilts to the negative side. It could also be a precursor for mental health issues. Perfectionism often ends up not getting things to be perfect. When perfectionists can't achieve this, they blame themselves and start to feel that they are not good enough. They start to doubt their intelligence and talents so that they end up having low self-esteem. They are no longer confident in their abilities because their idea of success is perfection.

Perfectionists tend to procrastinate a lot. They postpone a project or a goal for a later date which they believe will be more convenient to achieve the goal. More often than not, perfectionists have the fear of failure. Their desire to attain perfection may be drawn from experiences they had in the past. They may have started something they had so much confidence in which ended up being a flop or didn't pay off. So they would rather not start anything except they are sure it will end up bringing them accolades for the work they put in. What they do not realize is that nothing good comes easy and it takes a lot of study and practice to get things done perfectly. For every flawless presentation a person makes, there were a lot of rehearsals done in private. For every win a successful person has, there are a lot of failed launches.

Rather than focus on being perfect, focus on achieving the aim of that goal. It won't matter if there are a few hiccups here and there when you realize that you achieved the main purpose of embarking on that project. Don't dwell on the failure, dwell on the lessons. Don't allow a past failure stop you from applying the lessons you have learnt to a new project. Truth is, you can actually reach perfection so far you are consistent. So let perfectionism not be a burden to you but a motivation to do more, be more and give more.

Staying Sane in Crisis

A lot is going on in the world right now. Things have changed drastically and it doesn’t seem like they will be changing for the better anytime soon. There are so many crisis cases going on across the globe ranging from the COVID-19 pandemic, to the climate change and natural disasters going on in some countries, to the explosion in Beirut in Lebanon, to the war situation in some Arab countries and some African countries and even the civil unrest in countries like Nigeria, to mention a few. How can you stay sane when caught in such situations?

First, I want you to know that crises have been, are and will continue to be in this world when you leave this earth. Thus, you may never witness a day without crises in the world. There is so much happening even to our planet and people are speculating that giving x amount of years, earth will be inhabitable for human beings, which is why a lot is being invested in research for other planets that can accommodate life. This is by the way but my point is this, don’t dwell on the crises. Dwell on You. Ask yourself, how can I survive in these times and still live a good life? Some of our ancestors had to come to terms with this fact as they experienced war situations after war situations. There may be no end to these problems, but how can I live a good life?

Secondly, don’t dwell on the negative. Our imagination has a way of escalating the times that we are in, so don’t worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will take care of itself. However, don’t leave your life to chance.  Strategize and plan your life because these are unpredictable times. But do not worry. Worrying does nothing to solve the problem. It only escalates it. So take practical steps.

Also, make sure you avoid any content online or offline that can trigger any form of panic. In fact, it is advisable to stay off social media once in a while if you can’t bear the news. Remember that you are not like anyone else. So don’t be upset at the fact that you cannot stand discussions revolving about the crises going on in your country. This isn’t about patriotism. Of course, not everybody can protest, or stand against the government, or whatever the situation is in your environment. So guard your mind if that’s what you really need.

Feed your mind with positivity. Tell yourself, only positive vibes live with me. Yes! You are allowed to do this if this is the only way to bring your mental health back to normal. Don’t feel guilty that you are happy and others aren’t. I know it is quite sad that many other people lost their lives on the same issues that bother you. But you must remain positive for your country. You must remain positive for your wellbeing. Tell yourself every day that this too shall pass. You will live to see and enjoy another day.

Finally, pray. This may sound religious but it isn’t really. The words of our mouths are very powerful. It is what you speak and imagine that comes to life. So in prayer, declare the things you want to happen. I am a Christian and I strongly believe in prayers. Trust me, prayers answereth all things. All things. It is left for you to pray and the more you pray, the more you receive.

Stay sane and preserve a healthy mental state. Never let anything or anyone affect your mind. It is as important as your physical health. It is in fact part of your physical health. You can do this!

Virtual Assistant: What You Need to Know as a Beginner

If you’ve been wondering about what a virtual assistant is all about or you’re beginning to consider venturing into it but are not sure where to start, or you want to work with flexible hours and build your freedom then being a virtual assistant might just be good for you. 

Virtual Assistance is becoming the rave and quite a lot of people are making a successful career/business out of it. It is interesting to know that virtual assistants have been around for a very long time but became popular after the Covid Pandemic and it is still growing in demand. Online entrepreneurs and business owners everywhere need help with managing their businesses without having to take on a full staff and so they employ the help of a virtual assistant.

What is Virtual Assistance About?

As defined by Wikipedia, a Virtual assistant is generally self-employed and provides professional administrative, technical or creative assistance to clients remotely from a home office. This means that as a virtual assistant, you make life easier for your clients, you take care of their responsibilities that they can’t handle because of time and their busy schedules but in a professional manner. This could be daily as a contractor or self-employed

Virtual assistant covers so many fields as there is no limitation to the areas where clients need help with their tasks. A laptop and fast internet connection are the basic things you need to get started and if you live in my part of the world then you’ll need an alternative power supply.

Being a VA comes with a lot of perks like managing your schedules, choosing your client to work for, and getting your tasks done from the comfort of your home or anywhere else provided you’re connected to the internet and you have your laptop. If you get to work with business executives or top business leaders then you’ll automatically get the opportunity to develop top management skills and have an insight into how to run a business which further deepens your knowledge and builds your character.  It can be tough in the beginning but if you persevere long enough and pass the hurdles, you’ll be well off in no time. 

How Do I Get Started?

To get started you need to be equipped with employable skills and this is where learning comes in with tons of practice. There are a lot of resources on the internet like Youtube videos to help you get the basic knowledge and keep improving with constant practice. These skills are important that you master them because this is what you’ll be selling to your clients. And you will be required to learn how to use some tech tools as well but there is no rocket science here all it requires is for you to learn how to use them effectively and efficiently, thank God for Youtube videos.

Most VAs are tasked with the following but are not limited to the following responsibilities: calendar and time management, social media management, research, data entry, presentations, trip reservations, writing and editing, project management, content production, etc. And to be able to perform these tasks you’ll need tools like Google suite, Trello, software applications, etc.

Apart from technical know-how, soft skills are also paramount to help you succeed on this career path. You will need to communicate, multitask, be proactive and resourceful, you must be reliable and trustworthy, have discretion, and be able to stay calm under pressure just to mention but a few.

The next step you will need to take is to put yourself out there where your skills are needed. You will need to showcase yourself and tell people about what you do. You need to do this strategically and effectively too. You can utilize online platforms like social media to create an online presence and go to websites like Fiverr, Upwork, Flexjobs, etc to apply for virtual assistant jobs.

Stop Before You Start

This part is crucial to help you succeed, you will need to take time to find out what you like and the tasks you enjoy doing and focus on them as a beginner. You don’t need to spread yourself thin. Pick a niche that appeals to you and run with it.

Know yourself and what you can do and build on those strengths. Make sure you produce quality work at all times to keep the clients coming.

Virtual assistant jobs are here to stay and it is a good career path that can be taken by anyone no matter the age or area of specialization. 

All you need is determination and the right strategy plus it's pretty easy to get started, taking on as many tasks as you can handle you don't need a degree to find a job, just the right skills, a laptop with a fast internet connection. 



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The Growth Network is a community created to grow people into being better and more productive versions of themselves.


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Throw Yourself Outside the Box!

10 Principles and Hacks of Time Management in 2025

Start Now Before It's Too Late!

What is the Power of Support Systems?

Why Being Perfect Isn't Always Good.

Staying Sane in Crisis

Virtual Assistant: What You Need to Know as a Beginner

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